Selected A.K.Howard Publications
Click here to download “The Reclamation E’ Table, 25 Years Later” by Amster Howard with updated and revised table of values for E’.
- Pettibone, H.C., and A.K. Howard, “Distribution of Soil Pressures on Concrete Pipe,” Journal of the Pipeline Division, ASCE, Vol. 93, No. PL 2, July 1967.
- Howard, A.K., “Buried Load Tests on Flexible Pipe,” Buckling of Structures Symposium, Rocky Mountain Section, Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1968.
- Howard, A.K., “Laboratory Load Tests on Buried Flexible Pipe,” AWWA Journal, October 1972.
- Howard, A.K., And C.E. Selander, “Laboratory Load Tests on Buried Reinforced Thermosetting, Thermoplastic, and Steel Pipe,” Proceedings, 28th Annual Technical Conference, Reinforced Plastics/Composites Institute, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., 1973. Also published in: AWWA Journal, September 1974.
- Howard, A.K., “Field Test Deflections of Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipe,” Transportation Research Record 518, 1974.
- Howard, A.K., “Modulus of Soil Reaction Values for Buried Flexible Pipe,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol 103, No. GT 1, January 1977, pp. 33-43.
- Howard, A.K., “The USBR Equation for Predicting Flexible Pipe Behavior,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Underground Plastic Pipe, New Orleans, LA, March 1981.
- Howard, A.K., “Diametral Elongation of Buried Flexible Pipe,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Underground Plastic Pipe, New Orleans, LA, March 1981.
- Lang, D.C. and A.K. Howard, “Buried Fiberglass Pipe Response to Field Installation Methods,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Advances In Underground Pipeline Engineering, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1985.
- Howard, A. K., “Load Deflection Field Test of 27-Inch PVC Pipe,” Buried Plastic Pipe Technology, ASTM STP 1093, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia 1990.
- Howard, A. K., Schrock, B. J., Spridzans, Y., “Latvia Field Test of 915-mm Fiberglass Pipe,” Buried Plastic Pipe Technology: 2nd Volume, ASTM STP 1222, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia 1994.
- Howard, A. K., “Time-Deflection Field Test of 120-mm Steel, Fiberglass and Pretensioned Concrete Pipe,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Advances In Underground Pipeline Engineering II, Seattle, Washington, June 1995.
- Howard, A. K., “The Reclamation E Table, 25 years Later,” Proceedings, Plastics Pipes XIII, Washington DC, October 2006.
- Howard, A. K. and B.C. Howard, “A Discussion of E’ versus Depth,” Proceedings Pipelines 2008, ASCE Conference, Altanta Georgia, July 2008.
- Howard, A. K., “Composite E Prime,” Proceedings Pipelines 2009, ASCE Conference, San Diego CA, August 2009.
- Howard, A. K., “Uniform Soil Groups for Pipe Installatiion,” Proceedings Pipelines 2009, ASCE Conference, San Diego CA, August 2009.
- Howard, A. K., “How to Crawl Through a Pipe – Terminology,” Proceedings, ASTM Symposium on Plastic Pipe, Atlanta GA, November 2009.
- Howard, A. K., “Deflection Lag, Load Lag, and Time Lag,” Proceedings ASTM Synmposium on Plastic Pipe, Atlanta GA, November 2009.
- Sayer, K. and A.K. Howard, “Twenty-One Foot Diameter Flexible Pipe – Design,” Proceedings Pipelines 2010, ASCE Conference, Keystone CO, August 2010.
- Randolph, R.D. and A.K. Howard, “Twenty-One Foot Diameter Flexible Pipe – Construction,” Proceedings Pipelines 2010, ASCE Conference, Keystone CO, August 2010.
- Howard, Amster, “Soil Compaction Target Values for Pipeline Installation,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Pipelines 2011, Seattle WA,2011.
- Howard, Amster, “Constrained Modulus of Crushed Rock for Pipeline Embedment,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Pipelines 2011, Seattle WA, July 2011.
- Howard, Amster, “Five Types of Pipeline Trenches,” Conference Proceedings ICPTT 2011, Beijing China, October 2011.
- Howard, Amster, “’Updates – Uniform Soil Groups, Maximum Density of Gravel, Percent Compaction,” Proceedings ASCE Conference Pipelines 2013, Fort Worth TX, June 2013.
- Howard, Amster and Jeff Boschert (2014) “Importance of Haunching,” Proceedings ASCE Conference – Pipelines 2014, Portland OR.
- Boschert, Jeff and Amster Howard (2015) “2014 Updates to ASTM C12.” Proceedings ASCE Conference – Pipelines 2015, Baltimore MD.
- Turney, Matt, Amster Howard, and John Bambei (2015) “Compaction of Pipe Zone Material by Saturation and Internal Vibration,” Proceedings ASCE Conference – Pipelines 2015, Baltimore MD.
- Howard, A.K., “Soil-Cement Slurry Pipe Bedding,” Controlled Low Strength Materials, ACI SP-150, American Concrete Institute, 1994.
- Howard, A.K., “Soil-Cement Slurry Bedding for Plastic Pipe,” Buried Plastic Pipe Technology: 2nd Volume, ASTM STP 1222, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia 1994.
- Howard, A. K., “Standard Practice for Installing Pipe Using Flowable Fill,” The Design and Application of Controlled Low-Strength Materials, ASTM 1331, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1997.*
- Howard, A.K., “Flowable Fill Solves Pipe Backfilling Problems.” Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, September 1997, Vol 3, pp 1609-1612.
- Howard, A.K., and Bowles, L., “Flowable Fill and the Ridges Basin Inlet Conduit,” Proceedings of the ASCE Conference, Pipelines 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2008. (download here)
- Howard, Amster, “Sustainable Flowable Fill,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Pipelines 2012, Miami Beach 2012.
- Howard, Amster, Matt Gaughan, Mark Wilkerson, and Shelly Hattan, “Lean, Green, and Mean,”Proceedings ICSDEC2012, Fort Worth TX 2012.
- Howard, Amster, Jaime Reyes, David Marshall, Matt Gaughan, and Shelley Hattan, “Native Soil Flowable Fill Investigation for the IPL,” Proceedings ASCE Conference Pipelines 2013, Fort Worth TX, June 2013.
- Howard, Amster, Ardita Dushi, David Marshall, Matt Gaughan, and Shelley Hattan, “Selection of Native Soil E Prime for the IPL,” Proceedings ASCE Conference Pipelines 2013, Fort Worth TX, June 2013.
“Underground Construction” Magazine Articles
by Amster Howard