Pipeline Installation for Inspectors
Pipeline Installation for Inspectors is an online, self-paced video training course. Course materials are aimed at inspectors– from new to experienced. It covers cut-and-cover pipelines for water, sewers, storm drains, and culverts. It does not include any information for pipelines carrying petroleum products.
- 14 hours of video instruction
- 17 modules (from 30 to 60 minutes long)
- Available for computers, tablets, and smartphones
- Inspection checklists
- Quizzes
- PDHs (Professional Development Hours)
- Certificate of completion
- Free book Trench and Excavation Safety by Jon Preston ($49 value- not an e-book). Mailed to you.
- Free copy of book Pipeline Installation 2.0 by Amster Howard ($125 value- not an e-book). Mailed to you.
- The book Pipeline Installation 2.0 serves as the class notes. Topics parallel the chapters. The material uses numerous photographs, videos, and case histories.
The fee is $999 for individuals. Sign up at: http://pipe.thinkific.com
There is a 20% discount for signing up 10 or more students. Email [email protected] with any questions.
For more detailed information, check out https://youtu.be/a68EOyKmwVk
From Charles Erwin, PE (Texas), CCM, Freese and Nichols, Inc., Fort Worth, TX
The Pipeline Installation for Inspectors course is a great reference and tool. The presentations provide valuable context for several pipeline installation topics with a focus on improving quality. The on-demand nature of the course allows the audience to participate in this training in bite-sized pieces (a real value for a refresher or review of a topic prior to addressing it in the field).
From Scott Hakes, King County WA
I’ve been a heavy/civil construction inspector for over 30 years. I enjoyed this training, learned some things, and was a little disappointed when it ended.