Selected A.K.Howard Publications


Click here to download “The Reclamation E’ Table, 25 Years Later” by Amster Howard with updated and revised table of values for E’.


  1. Pettibone, H.C., and A.K. Howard,  “Distribution of Soil Pressures on Concrete Pipe,” Journal of the Pipeline Division, ASCE, Vol. 93, No. PL 2, July 1967.
  2. Howard, A.K., “Buried Load Tests on Flexible Pipe,” Buckling of Structures Symposium, Rocky Mountain Section, Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1968.
  3. Howard, A.K., “Laboratory Load Tests on Buried Flexible Pipe,” AWWA Journal, October 1972.
  4. Howard, A.K., And C.E. Selander, “Laboratory Load Tests on Buried Reinforced Thermosetting, Thermoplastic, and Steel Pipe,” Proceedings, 28th Annual Technical Conference, Reinforced Plastics/Composites Institute, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., 1973. Also published in: AWWA Journal, September 1974.
  5. Howard, A.K., “Field Test Deflections of Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipe,” Transportation Research Record 518, 1974.
  6. Howard, A.K., “Modulus of Soil Reaction Values for Buried Flexible Pipe,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol 103, No. GT 1, January 1977, pp. 33-43.
  7. Howard, A.K., “The USBR Equation for Predicting Flexible Pipe Behavior,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Underground Plastic Pipe, New Orleans, LA, March 1981.
  8. Howard, A.K., “Diametral Elongation of Buried Flexible Pipe,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Underground Plastic Pipe, New Orleans, LA, March 1981.
  9. Lang, D.C. and A.K. Howard, “Buried Fiberglass Pipe Response to Field Installation Methods,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Advances In Underground Pipeline Engineering, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1985.
  10. Howard, A. K., “Load Deflection Field Test of 27-Inch PVC Pipe,” Buried Plastic Pipe Technology, ASTM STP 1093, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia 1990.
  11. Howard, A. K., Schrock, B. J., Spridzans, Y., “Latvia Field Test of 915-mm Fiberglass Pipe,” Buried Plastic Pipe Technology: 2nd Volume, ASTM STP 1222, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia 1994.
  12. Howard, A. K., “Time-Deflection Field Test of 120-mm Steel, Fiberglass and Pretensioned Concrete Pipe,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Advances In Underground Pipeline Engineering II, Seattle, Washington, June 1995.
  13. Howard, A. K., “The Reclamation E Table, 25 years Later,” Proceedings, Plastics Pipes XIII, Washington DC, October 2006.
  14. Howard, A. K. and B.C. Howard, “A Discussion of E’ versus Depth,” Proceedings Pipelines 2008, ASCE Conference, Altanta Georgia,  July 2008.
  15. Howard, A. K., “Composite E Prime,” Proceedings Pipelines 2009, ASCE Conference, San Diego CA, August 2009.
  16. Howard, A. K., “Uniform Soil Groups for Pipe Installatiion,” Proceedings Pipelines 2009, ASCE Conference, San Diego CA, August 2009.
  17. Howard, A. K., “How to Crawl Through a Pipe – Terminology,” Proceedings, ASTM Symposium on Plastic Pipe, Atlanta GA, November 2009.
  18. Howard, A. K., “Deflection Lag, Load Lag, and Time Lag,” Proceedings ASTM Synmposium on Plastic Pipe, Atlanta GA, November 2009.
  19. Sayer, K. and A.K. Howard, “Twenty-One Foot Diameter Flexible Pipe – Design,” Proceedings Pipelines 2010, ASCE Conference, Keystone CO, August 2010.
  20. Randolph, R.D. and A.K. Howard, “Twenty-One Foot Diameter Flexible Pipe – Construction,” Proceedings Pipelines 2010, ASCE Conference, Keystone CO, August 2010.
  21. Howard, Amster, “Soil Compaction Target Values for Pipeline Installation,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Pipelines 2011, Seattle WA,2011.
  22. Howard, Amster, “Constrained Modulus of Crushed Rock for Pipeline Embedment,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Pipelines 2011, Seattle WA, July 2011. 
  23. Howard, Amster, “Five Types of Pipeline Trenches,” Conference Proceedings ICPTT 2011, Beijing China, October 2011.
  24. Howard, Amster, “’Updates – Uniform Soil Groups, Maximum Density of Gravel, Percent Compaction,” Proceedings ASCE Conference Pipelines 2013, Fort Worth TX, June 2013.
  25. Howard, Amster and Jeff Boschert (2014) “Importance of Haunching,” Proceedings ASCE Conference – Pipelines 2014, Portland OR. 
  26. Boschert, Jeff and Amster Howard (2015) “2014 Updates to ASTM C12.” Proceedings ASCE Conference – Pipelines 2015, Baltimore MD. 
  27. Turney, Matt, Amster Howard, and John Bambei (2015) “Compaction of Pipe Zone Material by Saturation and Internal Vibration,” Proceedings ASCE Conference – Pipelines 2015, Baltimore MD.


  1. Howard, A.K., “Soil-Cement Slurry Pipe Bedding,” Controlled Low Strength Materials, ACI SP-150, American Concrete Institute, 1994.
  2. Howard, A.K., “Soil-Cement Slurry Bedding for Plastic Pipe,” Buried Plastic Pipe Technology: 2nd Volume, ASTM STP 1222, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia 1994.
  3. Howard, A. K., “Standard Practice for Installing Pipe Using Flowable Fill,” The Design and Application of Controlled Low-Strength Materials, ASTM 1331, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1997.*
  4. Howard, A.K., “Flowable Fill Solves Pipe Backfilling Problems.” Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, September 1997, Vol 3, pp 1609-1612.
  5. Howard, A.K., and Bowles, L., “Flowable Fill and the Ridges Basin Inlet Conduit,” Proceedings of the ASCE Conference, Pipelines 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2008. (download here)
  6. Howard, Amster, “Sustainable Flowable Fill,” Proceedings of ASCE Conference Pipelines 2012, Miami Beach 2012. 
  7. Howard, Amster, Matt Gaughan, Mark Wilkerson, and Shelly Hattan, “Lean, Green, and Mean,”Proceedings ICSDEC2012, Fort Worth TX 2012.
  8. Howard, Amster, Jaime Reyes, David Marshall, Matt Gaughan, and Shelley Hattan, “Native Soil Flowable Fill Investigation for the IPL,” Proceedings ASCE Conference Pipelines 2013, Fort Worth TX, June 2013.
  9. Howard, Amster, Ardita Dushi, David Marshall, Matt Gaughan, and Shelley Hattan, “Selection of Native Soil E Prime for the IPL,” Proceedings ASCE Conference Pipelines 2013, Fort Worth TX, June 2013.

“Underground Construction” Magazine Articles

by Amster Howard